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About Me

Image of me, Josh H in Port de Sóller

If you hadn't already figured out my name by the sites URL, my names Josh, 26 years old, tech enthusiast, lover of PC gaming, graphic design, & animals.

Depending on where you've heard of me, I'm either a junior marketeer, 3 years into my marketing career. Keen about branding, social media & utilising my ability in design to creative interesting and unique marketing campaigns across a range of mediums.


you would have heard of me by my online persona of Pickled Tiger. Passionate about the things I know, but full of opinions on topics such as the latest game Epic Games Store has made an exclusive, why the latest AMD Ryzen chips have left Intel with egg all over their face or something as menial as the latest Twitch controversy.

Speaking of Twitch, there's a solid chance you found me there. Either from my casual attempt as a Twitch streamer which I hope to talk about more in my blog (whenever I find time to work on it) or as one of the mods of Twitch & YouTube 'influencer' (heh) SovietWomble.

I also had a short stint at creating content on YouTube, making videos with a friend but it soon became very clear that playing games and then editing videos didn't fit with my new working lifestyle. Hence why i turned to Twitch where I don't have very lofty goals of becoming the next streamer hotshot, I just hope to make a decent, likeminded community where people can chat and hang out and just relax!

Anyway I don't really know what more to add here other than to say i hope you check out some of the content i have on here and I intend to start adding blog style content on here so if you could check it out as and when it appears, I'd be very grateful!

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© 2021 by Josh H

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