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University Work

Post Humanism

For our first year graphic design module we were given a choice for the theme of our project brief. I chose post humanism as my theme and decided to explore my contrasting views of post humanism with the typical cyborg view of post humanism vs the view of a zombie as a post human figure. 

Given this was our first year of graphic design, we were given quite a bit of freedom to explore techniques and methods of graphic design and manipulation. In lectures we began to explore the importance of brightness, contrast, black and white levels. We learnt about creating custom brushes and shading and these are all techniques I tried to apply to create some realism in some of these initial pieces.

Having only really explored graphic design for around just over a year by the end of this project, looking back at these a couple years later, these were definitely good attempts at applying the previously mentioned skills and techniques which I still feel proud of considering how the methods I was using to achieve these images was quite basic, relying quite heavily on drawn aspects that I tried to make look realistic using shading however still had a long way to come to achieve something that doesn't look quite so flat.

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